Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Growth is a figurative thing

Delta and I went to the Natural History Museum over the weekend, to gush and haw nerdily over the 'Origins of Man' exhibit. Riveting information for the most part, and there I was, trying to take it all in like a human sponge.

Then I saw the prototype of ol' Australopithecus Africanus. Ran and plonked myself right beside it. "Look, Delta!" I exclaimed proudly, "finally someone I'm taller than!".

I was quite tickled by my own wit.

So I kept on rushing to all the other ones (only the shorter ones) to exhibit my tallerness. Homo Habilis. Homo Ergaster. Homo Erectus. Homo Heidelbergensis.

And then as we passed the next one (a Cro Magnon display, I tried to slink by, I was not taller than them), Delta paused. "Look this is you're height. You fit right in!"

Dammit. Have I fallen into an evolutionary glitch?

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