Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A weekend on the Shore (first one this summer!)

Seeing as summer's here, Delta and I headed down for a long overdue visit to the shore. Infact, Delta was already down at the shore, having gone a day earlier for BillyO's bachelor party. I decided to join them down at the shore at the Crane Kinder household.

I took the train for the first time, and a surprisingly smooth journey in general, other than the moment of absolute panic I felt when I thought I might have over-shot the station. With my heart in my mouth, I called Mama Crane. "I'm at Spring Lake already!" What in the world would I do?! I would have to get off at the next station, and then wait for the train going back the other way, and gawd only knew when that would come. I'd be stuck in the inner bowels of the NJ Transit train network forever. I'd be -

"Dont' worry," she reassured me, "you still have one more station to go. You aren't there yet."

"Oh. Phew. I guess I'll see you in a few minutes then."

And it was all fine after all. Just another case of general panic for the sake of panic.

When the boys got to the Crane Kinder household in the aftermath of the bachelor party, they looked rather worse for the wear. They took their opportunity to indulge in their fair share of groaning and wincing.

But finally we got the barbecue burning, and it wasn't long before we found ourselves lounging in the pool, one after another. And there we were - some chilled wine, the grill burning, the Crane Kinders playing in the pool - two days of absolute bliss right in the middle of this crazy month.

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