Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Penny for my own thoughts

Dear Penny,

Don't you think it might be time to retire?

It's quite obvious that we the people will never be able to reach a consensus on your future (just like healthcare.). It costs more than a penny to make a penny. And when the metals market rises, it costs way more than a penny to make a penny. But then on the other hand, you're a part of history and culture and tradition and that kind of smitherish. So people will always want you around, just for kicks.

But the truth is, Penny, your time is nearing it's end. And here's how I know. Oftentimes, I notice people drop a coin, they look down to find it, then realise it's a penny, and just walk away. Bending to pick up the penny is not worth the effort.

Does that make sense to you? That's not how you'd like to be remembered, is it? So why not quit while you're ahead? Let's gently, and respectfully (but firmly), tuck you into bed.

And likewise I hope, one day when I'm doddering around pointlessly, you'll look out for me and tell me the same.

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