Friday, September 03, 2010

A mini-reunion

It's time to dust off the cobwebs, and reopen this pandora's box of jumbled anecdotes.

It's been a crazy month. Delta and I have been away every weekend, indulging in little forays outside the bustling anthill of our city.

A couple weeks ago, we went to Milwaukee to have a little reunion with our family. Not everyone could be there unfortunately, but we still got to meet my aunt and uncle, Rohinton and Jeet, my cousins, their spouses and their kinder. All in all, enough people to cause the commotion that any self-respecting family reunion should have.

Every time I rounded a corner, I was accosted by a whirlwind of chaos.
"Mum, where's my markers!!"
"What's the sleeping arrangements tonight, who's sleeping where?!"
"What's to eat, I'm hungry!"
"Where's my towel gone?!!"
And every once in a while, it was the more inarticulate "WAAAAAAAHHH!!"

It was the quintessential confluence of chaos to make for a fun reunion. We ate (lots), we played tennis, we swam. It was perfect, simply perfect. I hope we do it again next year!

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