Monday, December 12, 2005

What's the story with guys and presents?!

A couple of years ago, Macklaine gave me a gift, all wrapped up and looking pretty. I can't even remember now what the occasion was - perhaps christmas, perhaps my birthday, perhaps it was just spontaneous present. All I do remember was how excited I was as I tore open the wrapping with childish spontaneity.
Nestled inside the wrapping were two Playstation games - something about car racing and something about football.
"Thanks, Macklaine!!!!" I exclaimed excitedly (because getting a gift is always exciting, no matter what it is).
And then, "But, errr, you know I don't play computer games...?"
"Oh, that's right!!" He said, slapping his forehead and feigning innocence. "How could I have forgotten!"


Then he suggested, "So I suppose, rather than wasting them you could just give them to someone else who could put them to good use. There's surely no point in them going to waste... do you know anyone who would enjoy those?"
I thought for a second, and then narrowed my eyes with suspicion. "The only person I know into Playstation is you," I pointed out.
"Oh, that's right!" He said, slapping his forehead again. "I better have them back then. Next time I get you a present, I'll put more thought into what you want."
And with that, he handily took back the present he had just bought, and headed off to put the games to test.

For a moment, I was stupefied. Then I just laughed and laughed, until tears streamed down my face.

I'd forgotten all about the incident until last week. As we got into the car to drive down to Flyback, Seagull handed me a CD he'd burnt the night before. "Here, I made this for you," he said casually. Seagull has a ton of music I've been openly coveting for a while now, so you can imagine my excitement to be given a CD with over a hundred of my favourite songs all in a row.

"OMG you won't believe how disproportionately happy you've made me!" I exclaimed as I pushed the CD into the player. And it really was one great song after the next. It was like the pot of gold under the rainbow.

Then, two days later as we were all heading home from Flyback, Seagull casually asked, "Can I have the CD back for this weekend?"
I instinctively tightened my grip on the CD possessively. I'd been looking forward to listening to it during the weekend, and started to protest.
"But - "
"Come on!" he urged. "I'm going travelling, I need it more than you do."
"FINE." I grumbled. "But only for the weekend, and I want it back right after, okay?" I handed it over to him reluctantly.
"Hmm," he said, glancing at the CD in his hand. "It really is a great CD, huh. I might just keep it and make you another one at some point."

What do you have to do in this world to get to keep your own presents.


Inihtar said...

Maybe you should try the same tactic. Start giving people presents that you like, and that you know they won't like. Though, knowing your luck, they might have suddenly developed a passion the previous night for what you give them, and refuse to give them back to you! (my tenses are a bit mixed up, but you know what I mean:))

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

"Knowing MY luck"!!! Thanks a LOT, Inihtar!

Anonymous said...

er... did i really do that? I'm sure i didn't you know. Actually maybe i did but it was crash bandicoot racing and you actually used to love playing that.
ps did you write that other entry just to say nictitation - very impressive - you had me reaching for the dictionary...