Thursday, December 01, 2005

Are white justified?

Are white justified?

That's what I texted Seagull yesterday towards the end of a long evening out - causing much puzzlement at his end, I'm afraid to say.
Is this a riddle question?, he responded.
But of course it wasn't - I'm hardly that clever. It was just a plain old typo.

What I'd been trying to ask was: Are white lies justified?

Milo and I had been discussing it earlier that evening. Is it justified to sometimes lie to someone if this is to protect them from harm? This wasn't about deciding what to do, because the act had already been performed. It was more about appeasing the conscience after the act.

I found myself defending the argument that white lies can be justified - and sometimes even merited. But later I started questionning and double-guessing myself - I wasn't sure if I'd taken the stance because I genuinely believed it, or just to take Milo's side in the event. And I started thinking of the various untruths I myself have told in time - about whether they were really worth it in the end, even though at the time I'd thought them so wise. Self doubt can eat away at you like a nagging itch.

Hence the text to Seagull for reassurance and clarification.
And his response when I finally clarified the question: "Yes. However, only if the recipient and all people impacted benefit from it. However, not if the teller is the only one who benefits. And if there's any manipulative intent, then its not justified. However, sometimes the situation demands it, and then it can be justified. As long as everyone benefits."

"That's a lot of clauses," I said doubtfully, not too much the wiser for his explanation.
But it made me feel better all the same, if for no other reason then because it mirrored the lack of clarity in my own mind.

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