Friday, April 14, 2006

Whatever. I don't do subtlety.

I got into the Grand Hyatt's ornate lift and pressed "5" for the Health Club. There was a man already in the lift, dressed in the ostentatiously pressed suit which seems to be the uniform for guests at the Hyatt. It made me feel particularly charming in my exercise grubware.

I stuck to the universally accepted lift code of conduct, the quick-glance-no-eye-contact-half-smile-and-stare-at-shoes. He did the dreaded deviation, and tried to communicate.

He smiled, cleared his throat, and raised his hand to indicate his shirt collar. Was he telling me something about my collar? And then I remembered I was wearing a t-shirt, with no collar to speak of. So I did the safe thing, assumed he was one of this world's many wierdos, and continued to stare assiduously at my shoes. He cleared his throat and pointed again at his collar. I wasnt quite sure of the expected response, but didn't want to seem rude. So I cleared my throat back and stifled the giggle rising inside at the comic awkwardness of the situation.

Finally, the lift pinged to a halt at the Health Club, and I jumped out in relief. Did my afternoon workout and had all but forgotten the incident as I headed back. Then, just as I left the gym, I did the typical not-so-subtle womanly thing of casting a quick sideways glance in a passing mirror. And what did I see? Other than my hot and sweaty disshevelledness I mean? That I'd worn my t-shirt inside out. There, exactly at the place where the man in the lift had been indicating, hung my t-shirt label and cleaning instructions. And across my front, where the man had thankfully NOT indicated, was a backwards Nike swoosh. And come to think of it, down the sides ran a view of the top's unsophisticated stitching.

I was mortified. I understand the man in the lift had been trying to be subtle about telling me, but seriously - why couldn't he have just SAID?!!


Inihtar said...

Oh dear! purple socks, t-shirt inside out. What's happening to Ficali?

Anonymous said...

"The human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenceless against ourselves."

... because you miss my quotes

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Inihtar - to answer your question - it appears I have become defenseless against myself :)

Conrad - you just made my day!!! :) :) :)