Sunday, December 21, 2008


We actually spent the entire weekend absorbed in domestic chores like putting up shelves and blinds. Sorry, I mean window treatments (been watching HGTV). And by saying "we" put up shelves, I mean Delta did all the measuring, hammering, carrying, sanding and sawing. I hovered around helplessly, trying to generally stay out of trouble, and passing Delta implements when he needed them (think an operating room when the surgeon says, "scalpel please").

Delta would be balancing precariously on a footstool, singlehandedly holding up the curtain rod, with a measuring tape in his mouth, and the other hand hanging on to the window to prevent himself from falling, and he would ask me a small favour like "pass the leveller, please" and I wouldn't know what it was. I would hum and haw and generally buffoon around, leaving my husband hanging at the window, while I tried to learn what a leveller looked like.

That is exactly how little help I was this weekend.

But partners we are, when it comes to such tasks, and now at the end of the weekend, I'm proud to announce that we now have blinds on the windows and shelves on the walls.

Little steps. That's how it goes. Little steps.

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