Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ya really.

I pinged our IT Support guy in panic this morning.
"Sigh. What's up this time?"
"My email isn't working!!"

About once a week, I ping him with a similar crisis, and it's usually something I've done wrong, so I didn't really expect him to bother about me. The boy-who-cried-wolf kind of thing.

But he responded straight away.

"Usually, that's your fault. But today, there really is something wrong with the email. We're working on it."
"Oh, really?" As you can imagine, I was pretty relieved.

"Yeah, I'll ping you when it's up and running. Should be soon."
"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, in the mean time, you know you can access your email through the web on OWA right?"
"Oh, really?"
"You're an O RLY OWL" he said.

But it turns out, unbelievable though it may seem, that the world has actually created an "Oh really" Owl. Long live internet creativity.

So I looked into it some more, and imagine my horror when I found:

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