Monday, October 05, 2009

Drama Queen Jaffa

Since we'll be away for two weeks, Dee very kindly offered to look after Queen Jaffa for us. So we called her over for dinner the other day, so that Dee and the cat could officially get acquainted.

Unfortunately (but how did we not predict this would happen?), Queen Jaffa sensed what was happening, and decided to put on a show of obstreperousness that evening. When Dee bent over to pet her, QJ swiped at Dee with her paw, forcing Dee to leap back in alarm.

"Oh!!" Dee exclaimed, blinking at me in surprize. I had just finished telling her how loving Queen Jaffa was.
I shrugged. There's just no excuse for QJ. "She's just pretending," I tried to explain to Dee, while at the same time surreptitiously glaring at QJ, who now purred up at me calmly, a picture of demure coyness.

Dee, ever-forgiving, tried to pick her up, but QJ let out little loud child like warbling screams, like a baby with colic. I couldn't believe it. What a sneaky little drama queen!

"She's not normally like this, Dee! I promise!" I tried to convince Dee, although I don't think she quite believed me. I don't blame her. QJ really can be a handfull when she wants to.

Speaking of drama, Queen Jaffa has picked up a new habit nowadays which I'm rather appalled by. Lately, whenever we have visitors over, she's taken to suddenly splaying herself on the rug in most ungainly fashion and cleaning herself in places that are absolutely unacceptable to do in public.

The other day we had the whole gang over for a "Machu Picchu kick off dinner", and there she did it again, right in the center of the rug, so everyone could stare on in grotesque fascination.

"Queen Jaffa! How un-lady-like!" I reprimanded with an embarrassed laugh, tapping her lightly on the head to remind her where she was. But the cheeky little cat just scuttled back out of my reach, and continued on unabashed.

I swear, if that cat was a human, she'd be quite the exhibitionist.

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