Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A note of anticipation

Tomorrow morning, fairly earlier than I would have liked for a vacation day, we leave for Peru. In some ways, this marks a milestone in our lives. For the last six months, it's all been about Peru. The training, the clothes, the equipment, the travel bookings - all of it. It's kind of like planning a wedding (except we already did that).

And once the event's over, there's a void in your life. No more reason to get up early in the morning for a whole day of PBJs and exercise. No more hours of internet research on the best hiking fleeces and socks. What in the world will we do?!

But why worry about all that now. For now, I'm focused on tomorrow, and the sheer excitement of reaching Peru. Of bandying about ye ol' spanish verbs I've been practising so diligently. Of procuring ourselves alpaca hats with the dangling sides, and other funny knick-knacks (or, as Delta would say, whatnot. That's his new favourite word. Whatnot.). We'll buy ourselves alpaca hats and whatnot.

But I'm getting ahead of myself again. Before I even focus on tomorrow, I really need to focus on the here and now (not as exciting, but pretty compelling). There's a cat to feed, an apartment to clean, and as we pack, everywhere we walk we leave puddles of whatnot in our tornado-like wake.

One day, we'll reverse the tables and train Queen Jaffa to clean up after us. But for today, (sigh) I guess I better get started cleaning her kitty litter as she snores quietly to herself on the rug.

Speak to you in two weeks, my friends.


Cos in Chicago said...

Have fun, Ficali! Cannot wait to read about and see pictures when you get back! :)

Caveboy said...

Go eat at Astrid y Gaston in Lima.