Saturday, February 13, 2010

A chica weekend

I'm quite used to Delta being away, of course, but I'm not used to him being away on a weekend. So when he went off the work this weekend, I found myself somewhat at lose ends.

I turned to Queen Jaffa. "QJ, looks like it's just you and me for a girl weekend. What say, chica?!"
But QJ only gave me the evil eye, which is what she sometimes does if you talk to her but don't follow it up with immediate bribery in the form of food.

And so I knew I couldn't depend on QJ to be my source of moral support for the weekend.

Instead, I focused my energies on watching the winter olympics with disproportionate tenacity. Nothing makes me feel healthier than watching athletes push themselves to their limits on tv. Certainly not going to the gym myself - for that only reinforces my limitations. No sirree, by far the best way to feel healthy is to watch healthy people do healthy things on the telly. And when li'l Hannah Kearney once that gold, I nearly bust up crying myself.

Even QJ, whose raison d'etre is to curl up and snooze on the couch lulled by the soporific effect of her own soft snores, has been quite approving of my generally vegetative state of being.

So there you have it, my chica weekend. Cat, emotions, couch and telly. What more could you want.

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