Friday, April 28, 2006


It's a mighty lucky day when:
- you get into work, only to discover your laptop has kaputzed on you and refuses to start up
- AND the tech support person is on holiday for the week
- AND the only tech support backup is out in Chicago and can't resolve the problem remotely
- AND all your work is saved on your computer so there really isn't anything you can do without it
- so your General Manager suggests "why don't you just take the day off"
- AND you look out the window, and the sun is shining, air is warm, Washington Square is beckoning, and the day is just perfect

Now what are the chances that real life would turn out like that? Infinitesimal, I would say. And yet, that is exactly the card that life dealt me yesterday.

So much so that 2pm on Thursday afternoon found me out in the sunshine, shrugging my shoulders and gazing about me with gleeful free-spiritedness.

So what does one do with a gloriously free afternoon yawning before you?

Meet up with a dear friend. Amble togehter through the W. Village to Washington Square. Treat ourselves to delicious falafel sandwiches from Mamoun's, and find a sunkissed park bench on which to sit and and enjoy a leisurely meal and chat. Browse casually through the second-hand book stores near NYU, trying to find Ginsberg's Howl. End up with Joyce's Finnegan's Wake instead.

Stop for a pee-break in a little cafe on Bleecker, and end up staying for an hour, sipping chai in tiny chinese teacups as we peruse the first few pages of Finnegan's Wake. Quickly surmise that the book far surpasses our faculties, and laugh at our ambitious folly for having picked it up at all.

Slowly, leisurely, as the sun sets on a long and beautiful afternoon, amble home basking in a relaxed tireness.

Oh, that working life should always be like that.


Inihtar said...

Ugh. That's so unfair!!! How do you manage to turn even potential life threatening situations like your laptop dying into something fun?!?!?!

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

freak luck, trust me it'll never happen again! :S