Saturday, March 01, 2008

Who says we can't be artistic?

"Do you have plans for Friday night?" Doobs asked me.

"Nope, I was just thinking of staying in, having a glass or two of wine, and painting one of my canvasses."
"No way, can I join you and paint something too?!"
"Sure thing, let's make it an art evening! Let's get a bottle of wine, I'll put out all my paints, you can use one of my canvases, and let's see where the evening takes us!"

"Hey guys," Bobbis asked, "if you're going to do that, can I make a short film of you creating your paintings?" Bobbis has recently started a challenging course in short film making at NYU, and was constantly looking for interesting subject matter for her films.

We all looked at each other in glee. This is going to be one hell of an art evening, I thought.

I told Mrs. Pooks as much as I was chatting with her later in the day.
"It's Art Evening at out place. Doobs and I are going to paint canvases and Bobbis is going to make a short film about our work," I told her.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" was her reaction.
"That's it. For that lack of faith, we are going to have to give you our paintings and fully expect you to display them in your house."
Mrs. Pooks laughed, being used to our inanities as she is.

And so we started the evening. Doobs picked up a bottle of wine. We ordered in some take-away. I spread out all my art supplies across the dining table. Bobbis set up the spot lighting and positioned the camera.

And strange as it might seem, what an Art Evening it was!

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