Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just like catwoman

Last month, I caught a cold. A day later, Queen Jaffa caught a cold.

I remember I had looked at Delta, horrified. "Do you think the cat could have caught the cold from me??!!"
"Don't be silly! Cat's can't catch colds from humans, it doesn't work like that!" And we'd both laughed it off as a silly faux pas.

Until this week - suddenly, I caught a cold again (which I think is highly unfair, but apparently we don't always get what we demand from life).
But get this - Queen Jaffa caught a cold a day later, again.

All my googling suggests that QJ can't catch a cold from me. Now I'm a person of science. And I realise I couldn't have given the cat a human cold. So there can be only one conclusion from this:

I have blatantly somehow acquired the ability to catch cat-colds. Akin to cats, just like CatWoman (but in a rather less glamourous way).

Or, of course, it could just be that QJ has taken to immitating me mockingly, rascal that she is.

Or, I could just be turning into Cat Woman.

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