Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm in love

with Amex.

They charge a hefty fee each year, and of course I grumble when it's deducted each year - but you know what that fee is? It's dumbness insurance. For all the times you bought something you shoudln't have or gave your number to someone you shouldn't have or lost the card and just need someone's shoulder to cry on. The fee guarantees you a real person at the end of the phone who will extend a sympathetic ear and try and help.

And really - what more could I ask for.

I've had my Delta Amex card since the beginning of 2007. So, let's see... that's about 3.5 years. And just today, today, I thought to check my card and make sure that my Delta number was listed correctly on the card. And it wasn't! I had the wrong Delta number linked to my Amex.

Which might sound petty to most of you. But it means that all this time, for the past 3.5 years, that I've been spending freely on my Amex and thinking I was stacking the miles - someone else was earning them all the time.

So I called the friendly voice at the Amex helpline, and explained my quandary.
"That's ok, we'll update your Delta number right now so that you start earning miles to your correct membership right away," the rep told me cheerily.
She made it a point not to say what I'm sure she was thinking (it took 3.5 years for you to figure this out, lady?), and for this, I was grateful.

So I thanked her for her help, and was about to hang up the phone and resign myself to starting earning miles from scratch, when suddenly she added:
"By the way, just so you know, you've earned over 72,000 miles over the past three years. We'll transfer those over too."
I was stunned. Really? Three years of my error, and Amex was going to make it right by me? And as you know, I have no sophistication in such situations. I don't even dream of aspiring to have sophistication. So I blurted out:
"Really? Three years of my error, and you'll still transfer the points over?"
The rep laughed. "Yes, Ms McDelta, we'll still transfer the points over, no problem."

She didn't say what I'm sure she was thinking (that's what you pay that hefty annual fee for, lady), and for that, I'm also grateful.

Infact, I'm just grateful all around.

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