Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A personalised note

Each week before leaving on a flight, Delta leaves me a little note to find when I return home from work. "Miss you!", "Have a great week!" some little spousal quip of the sort. And he signs off each note with a little smiley. It's a loving gesture and a cherished part of our routine. I guess I hadn't quite appreciated the amount of self-personalization that actually went into the note, particularly into the smiley. Until a few weeks ago, Delta picked himself up a pair of cheaters at the local pharmacy, to help with night time reading. It's a big transition, the day you find out you need glasses, if you've never needed them before your entire life.

I hadn't quite appreciated the enormity of the moment, I guess. But it must have traumatised him senseless. Because nowadays, I've noticed that each note is being signed off with:

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