Monday, December 19, 2005

Up for adoption

I'm acutely conscious of, and thankful for, for the life I have. Not because I particularly have a lot, but because, even with whatever little I have, I'm lucky enough to be genuinely content. Without doing anything particularly deserving on my part, I've somehow landed myself a job I enjoy immensely, friends I love to bits, and even the weekend chores don't get me down (knock on wood, knock on wood).

Yep, safe to say, occasional bouts of nostalgia notwithstanding, I love my life in New York. I revel in the independence and freedom and sheer joie de vivre.

But even then, there are inevitably some days, just some days, when I need a holiday from my own life. When I don't want independent free-spiritedness. When all I want is to be taken care of like a child. Some days, all I want is to crawl home to be mollycuddled and fed a hot meal and tucked into bed feeling warm and safe and secure.

Some days, I'm up for adoption.


Anonymous said...

Oh Oh Oh, and I've always wanted to adopt too!!! Funnest! I'd adopt you in a jiffy if I could. Anyday.

Some days are just like that!
Big hug and lots of love,
Stay Warm,
the bart.

Anonymous said...

OH please come visit me in Queens on those days! I will definitely cook you desi food and babysit you. Promise.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Awww, you guys are the bestest. Now I feel so much better :)