Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Pitfalls of DIY

Trrrng, trrrring.
Delta's picture was staring up at me on my iPhone.
"Hi there! How's things going?"
"Erm, I have a bit of a problem here."

Earlier that day, Delta and I had scuttled over to Home Depot to buy new metal switch plates and dimmers for the lights in our apartment. Things like this make us positively brim over with ill-contained excitement. Our enthusiasm for homebuilding knows no bounds.

"Are you sure we should be doing this ourselves, Delta?" I'd asked cautiously, when he started fiddling around with the wires.
"Of course!" he'd reassured me, "this isn't rocket science, you know."

So now when he said there was a bit of a problem, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.
"Well, the good news is," Delta continued, "the dimmer is working perfectly."
"Great!!" I exclaimed excitedly, knowing what a difference this would make to our living room. "So what's the problem?"
"Well, the bad news is, somehow, the hallway switch is now turning on the light in the kitchen."


"Yeah. It works, but for some reason it works in the kitchen."


"So what light does the kitchen switch turn on?"
"I'm not sure yet, I'm still trying to figure that out."
"Delta, are you serious? I don't think we can live with all the wrong switches turning on the wrong lights."
Even as I said it, I was thinking to myself, actually, it could be pretty entertaining.

And very quickly, I found myself quite accustoming to the idea of random switches for random lights. In fact I was just about to suggest it to Delta, when he cut my thought off right there in its nascent stages:
"You know what? I'm quite liking this. Wait till I connect it so you have to pull the flush to start the microwave."

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