Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A peopleish weekend

This past weekend will go down in the books as a rather social one.  A couple birthdays and a reunion of friends is apparently what it takes really to beckon the McDeltas out of social hibernation. Both birthday girls  had chosen restaurants in the East village, which peaked my excitement, not least because we could use the Select Bus. Everything about the Select Bus is enthralling to me, but nothing more so than the flashing blue lights. Never said I wasn't infantile like that.

Friday night it was Cafe Mogador, and for Saturday, Ilajna chose Boca Chica. I mention them only because they were both great, and I want to actively recommend them to anyone who cares to listen.

Delta and I typically suffer from a case of extreme homebodiliness that keeps us physically tethered to our neighbourhood. Which is a shame, because really with the advent of the Second Avenue Subway, our neighbourhood rather leaves something to be desired. It typically takes a special occasion of sorts to lure us out, and this weekend, the occasions did not disappoint. The food had a unique flourish unto it's own chef. The wine came in hefty prohibition-era glasses whose quantity boggle eye. The atmosphere had flair and exuberance.

And of course, the company. Always, the company.

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