Thursday, August 03, 2006

This link ain't goin nowhere

I was about to send out one of my email reminders to 'All employees', reminding them of our usual Wednesday Social. I mean, seriously. It's somewhat ludicrous that these folks need their HR Bod to coax them out for basic imbibition. But far be it from me to complain or shirk from duties of such earth-shattering gravity.

Any of you guys planning to go out this evening? I first sent out a preliminary note to the regular office social butterflies - Seagull, Danby, Schaffs, Li'l Rob and crew. Only when a few of them responded in the enthusiastic affirmative did I email out the official invite to the rest. This way at least I'd be assured of some engaging company. Heh heh heh, conniving conspiring contriving HR Bod.

A group was already assembled in the bar by the time I ambled over. "So," Schaffs said as I tried to assess the nature of the conversation and where I could make my strategic entry, "why don't you tell us all about your blog, Ficali?"

My eyes almost popped out of my head.

My blog, what with references to Big Boss M, Richie Rich, Danby, Schaffs, Seagull, and (most importantly) all sorts of dubious insights into my character, is strictly not to be shared in the work environment.
"heh heh, what blog?" I said weakly, casting about a look which was supposed to make obvious to the rest that Schaffs was off his rocker. And maybe the strategy would have worked, if I actually had a modicum of credibility amongst these darned folks.

But instead all eyes were instantly riveted to the laughing Schaffs. What blog? What's it about? Our HR Bod knows what a BLOG is? How can we read it? Their popping eyes were saying.

Schaffs was basking in the undivided attention. "It's a blog about ass-grabbing!" He said. The curious looks turned to saucer eyes. I had to defend myself. So I told them the story of last year's Halloween party in Philly, and the unfortunate incident of the butt-pocket tale.
"Man! We have to find this site! What's the link?!" One of them asked.
"I'm NOT distributing the link to my blog," I said firmly. Decisively. Finally. Unequivocally.

Forgetting they were tech guys.

"That's okay we'll just google HR+Barcelona+pilot+New York and it'll be easy enough," was the response.
I don't think that would work (would it????), but at as we all know, I'm hardly the authority on the subject of technological forays.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

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