Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Urban Hillbillies

There was much excitement and kerfuffle about our camping trip to Long Island sound last weekend.

First there was the consternation over comfortable sleeping arrangements. "I think we should take at least 18 blankets to sleep on," I said. "You know, just to make sure we're comfortable there on the ground."
"Puhlease!" Delta responded, "this is camping!" But then a few minutes later, he ventured, "erm, do you think we should take an airbed?"
Doobie just rolled her eyes.

Then there was the last minute panic of buying Doobie a new bikini. We raced out to the stores, only to discover that that the fashion world had already progressed to autumn collections. We stared in dismay at the dwindled racks of summerwear. "There's only size 25s left!!!!" she wailed. But after much scrutiny, and some debate as to the vices and virtues of board shorts vs. boy shorts, we finally managed to feel appropriately attired for the event. I even bought a pair of shorts with ladybirds on then, just to blend in to the picnic atmosphere.

On the drive over, Delta and I started to play word-games to kill the time. The game was simple - we'd come up with a category, and then compete on who could name more items belonging to that category. In that manner, we exhausted our knowledge repositories on famous female writers, deciduous trees, and famous historic discoverers (conquerers like Alexander the Great were allowed because they must have discovered as they conquered). "Okay now your turn to come up with a category," Delta told me.
"Okay. Marsupials."
"Kangaroo!" he input.
"Erm. Seahorse?"
He turned to stare at me.
"What?! They have pouches!" I said defensively.

Before we knew it, we were there, and it was time to pitch the tents. When Metrohom had lent me his tent, he'd cautioned that it might be difficult for me to figure out how to pitch it. "Don't worry, Delta will know!" I'd said confidently. With the type of confidence that can only come before a fall. It was only when Delta had spent fifteen minutes trying to pitch the rainfly instead of the tent that I realised the error of my judgement :)

The camping itself, of course, was fantastic. There was a barbecue and burgers.
There was a campfire and smores (I stared in horror at the white sticky smores until Jenn made me one without the marshmellow).
There was a voda-infused watermelon (none of us realised that the vodka would evaporate so quickly. So basically, after the first 5 minutes, there was just a watermelon).
There was general gamboling in the sea, and a two hour walk along the beach.
And there was sunshine and blue waters, as far as the eye could see.

All in all, a fantastic weekend (pictures to follow).

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