Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The 5 Minute Get-Fit Program

Yesterday, I started a new exercise routine. That is, if you can use the term 'exercise routine' for brief periods of turgid activity.

The idea is that I wake up 15 minutes earlier than normal everyday, and spend those 15 minutes indulging in a splash of holistic yoga. You know, for my overall flexibility, digestion and sanity.

Yesterday was Day 1, and the 15 minutes looked like this:
- First I hit the snooze button on my alarm and fell back asleep (9 minutes)
- Took a minute to force my eyes open and orient myself (1 minute)
- Did 5 suryanamaskars (5 minutes)

Today (surprise, surprise), my 15 minutes looked like this:
- Hit the snooze button, fell back asleep (9 minutes)
- Jumped out of bed with more gusto and determination than yesterday (30 secs)
- Did 4 suryanamaskars (4 minutes)
- Collapsed from the muscles I had pulled yesterday from those 5 minutes of exercise (1 minute 30 secs just lying on the floor)

Yes, as you can see my fitness program is on to a great start.

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