Thursday, November 15, 2007

Doobs Birthday # 3

As if we needed more proof that the seasons were changing, it was once again Doobie's birthday yesterday. This is now her third birthday we have all celebrated together.

Back in 2005, we had only just moved in together, and we had celebrated her birthday in the midst of unpacking IKEA boxes and multiple trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Last year, we'd been better prepared. Dinner at Le Colonial, drinks at a bar in the Village, just a proper night out.

This year, we were stumped. "I don't want to do anything," she had said emphatically. "Turning thirty is hard, you know!"
We were puzzled.
"But Doobs you're only turning 29," we'd pointed out. She was so focused on the self-pity, she had forgotten to focus on the reason behind it.
"Oh yeah. Okay fine. But still don't feel like doing anything."
"Okay what can we get you as a present? What do you need?"
"Nothing, I don't want presents this year."

Now how in the world do you plan for a birthday like that?!

But little by little, we pecked away at her veneer, until she finally conceded to having an intimate, quiet, low-key soiree. Just the girls (and boy), and just at home.

But let me tell you, once all the girls (and boy) are together, we are not soiree-like, definitely not low-key, and certainly not quiet. By midnight, the evening had proceeded nicely to champagne and dancing.

Some moments rather graceful.

Others, erm, less so.

But no matter, for such is the nature of quiet soirees at home.

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