Monday, September 08, 2008

A Hoarder's Purge

Have you ever tried to whittle down your belongings and throw away the ones of no use to you anymore? I guess elsewhere in the world one might call it a yard sale. But in New York, with no yard and no sale, I guess I'd just call it a trip to the Salvation Army.

Anyways, I browsed through about 120 items of clothing in my wardrobe, before I could finally persuade myself to give one away. It was a top I'd owned since highschool, and hadn't worn in at least the last five years, and frankly hadn't even remembered it was there for the last couple of years. And still, still, persuading myself to give it away was like agreeing to donate an internal organ. Seriously. Pathetic.

I have to say, I have undertaken this purging activity with some perplexity as to the nature of the human mind. I mean, who would have thought to invent the concept that couples should live together and share the same wardrobe? Dont get me wrong, living together is a beautiful thing. But sharing a wardrobe but it's very nature means that each person gets only half a wardrobe. Preposterous.

But back to the task at hand. So I've identified one top. Back to the pile of clothes, in search of more such casualties of this ruthless purge. Something tells me getting rid of just one top isn't going to cut it in the "whittling down your wardrobe" book.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

This is a lovely blog.

I recently went through a purge of my own, so I can relate.
