Saturday, January 09, 2010

The lure of the burbs

For the most part, I love this crazy chaotic cacophony of a city with all my heart, and couldn't imagine living anywhere else (except that time we were in Ecuador and I wanted to move there, or the time we were in Peru and I wanted to move there, or the time we were in Cinque Terre...). But for the most part, apart from the vacation distractions, other than the fleeting flutterings of my roving mind, I'm pretty darn happy living in our mad home.

There is one huge problem if you live in NYC though. It's the fact that ultimately, inevitably, unnervingly, all your friends will eventually end up heading to the burbs. I guess I can see why the burbs are attractive to people. The space, the fresh air, the cars, the costcos. But wouldn't you miss the local Chinese dry cleaner, or the little bagel house across the street, or the old guy with his big whiskers running the local wine store? I think I'd miss that sense of neighbourhood. But never mind, for this isn't about me.

Later this month, Gus and Kate move to their new home across the river in Jersey. Problem is, we'd grown rather used to always having them around the corner. To spontaneity and being able see each other in moments, without always having to make a plan about it. And now it feels as though they're moving a seemingy interminable distance away. No matter how happy you are for your friends, when it means they're moving further away, it's rather bitter-sweet no matter what way you look at it. Delta, who will lose his diner-breakfast-and-pub-drinking-BFF as an result of this move, has been morosely brooding about it for a few days now.

Of course - if we were honest about it - Jersey frankly isn't that far away. And when we see their new home, we'll be excited for them and the huge step in their lives this means. And who can complain about having friends with swimming pools and barbecues (or for that matter cars, space or greenery) anyway.

But for right now, it's a moment of despondence. For right now, all we know is that we're losing a couple of dear friends to the burbs.

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