Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Note to the Invisible Office Cleaner

Dear sir,

Every evening, when everyone has long gone home, you come by and tidy the hurricane we have left in our wake.

When you come by to clean the office, you sometimes can't help yourself, and just have to eat some of the fruit I keep on my desk.

Perhaps you've wondered whether I notice. Perhaps you've wondered whether it's wrong. Perhaps, sometimes, you feel guilty for pilfering a bit of fruit.

Please don't. When I buy my fruit each week, I always get a little extra, with you in mind.

It's the least I can do really, for everything you do for me.


Caveboy said...

That's really very sweet of you, Caveboy.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Why thank you *curtsy* :)