Monday, March 05, 2007

Almost Famous

Tomorrow, the moment arrives for my fifteen seconds of fame.

Well, vicariously, anyway.

I mean, I'll be near someone famous.

Well okay, if we get down to the crux of it, maybe not even interact with him. Only just watch him. Not so different from just sitting at home watching the telly really.

So Delta and I have tickets to the live filming of the Jon Stewart show (yes, that's right, whoop away in envious excitement). There's many layers of excitement that come with this:
a) Jon's a pretty funny chap
b) I get to miss a sliver of the work day, because taping starts in the afternoon
c) The taping ends early, so it gives us time to relive the entire afternoon over dinner. Just like Groundhog Day.

"What if, what if, what if..." I exclaimed excitedly to MetroHom.
"What if what?"
"What if the camera comes on me, and I crack a joke, and it's funnier than any of Jon's!" And my daydreams started running away with me.
"Erm, no. You seriously don't need to worry about that happening."
Thanks a lot, BuzzKill.

All the same, it's the Jon Stewart show, and I'm getting to see it live! If you have the misfortune of not knowing the show, check this out (also where you can order tickets from):

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