Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Quick Up-to-Speeding

Much to blog about, and I haven't had the time in the past couple of weeks. Correction - I haven't made the time. Not sure that I can differentiate really, at this rather frenzied point in my life.

At work, there's the gargantuan project that I've been immersed in for the past month or so. But that's about to come to a head shortly, so (unless everything goes pear-shaped, as things are indeed sometimes wont to do), I should technically find myself with more time on my hands in another week or so. We had to do a finale presentation to a panel of Big Bosses the other day. They sat like Greek gods atop Olympus, while we squeaked and squawked tremulously through the slides. The court jestors. We survived the presentations. We endured the inquisition that followed. We studiously noted the suggestions for improvement. But all of that is somewhat of a blur in my memory. The only part I distinctly remember is when the Head Honcho said he loved it. (Believe it or not, that's what he said.)

I'm quite enjoying how memory can be deliciously selective in what it chooses to retain.

And then, there was the weekend of frenzied painting. You'd have thought I was Da Vinci, the way I succumbed to my surge of inspiration, literally ran to buy the art supplies, commandeered the entire dining room and didn't talk to any of the girls all day, drawn into the vortex of my own inner creativity. So it was a bit of an anticlimax, the actual painted canvases that resulted. If one cocked one's head slightly to the side, and if one were feeling momentarily predisposed towards leniency, and with a slight stretch of the imagination, I suppose one could potentially misconstrue them as art. But what does it matter, I'm quite revelling in process of creation (since I can't actually revel in the product itself).

I wonder if this is how Gawd felt after creating man.

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