Thursday, August 30, 2007

Girl trauma

Tuffsy burst into my room. "OMG OMG I'm going to DIE!"
Sigh. "What happened?"
"You're not going to believe it. I'm going to DIE."

I was worried. Predisposed though she be towards the occasional histrionic meltdown, this was out of character for even Tuffsy.
"Sit down and tell me what happened."
"So you remember that guy I was dating, before everything fell apart last week?"
Sigh. So it was about a man. I should have figured. "Yeah....?"
"Well, and you know how we work in the same company, right?"
"Yeah, I can't possibly imagine anything more awkward than that."

But as usual, I had spoken too soon.

"Well, so I decided to spill my heart and write him a long note telling him how I felt and how he had hurt me."
I balked. "Not through company email I hope?" HR bod first, friend second.
"No, I wrote it in a real letter, handwritten, not an email."
"And?" I was sufficiently mortified by the situation already.
"And I put it in the internal company mail, because that was the fastest way to get it to him."
"The internal mail??! A love letter?!" I was horrified for Tuffsy.
"Wait, it gets worse," she looked miserable.

I couldn't really think of anything worse. I looked up apprehensively.

"So I addressed the letter to him and put it in the mail," Tuffsy continued, "and the post man mistakenly gave it to another guy with the same name."

There was a stunned silence.

Then I tried to add some clarity to my incomprehension. "So your love letter, declaring all your feelings for this guy, went to another colleague with the same name?" I tried tentatively.
She nodded miserably.
"So what happened then?!"
"When I finally tracked it down and got it back, the envelope was open. That means he read it! Ficali! A random stranger who works in the same company read my love letter full of woe and tragedy! As though it was addressed to him!"
I was silenced by the pathos of the situation.

"Do you think they'll fire me?" she whispered.
"Nah, but he might have scanned your letter and passed it around to friends sitting around him."
Her eyes widened in horror.
"OMG OMG OMG I'm going to die."
"Wait a minute, Tuffs. What if it was fate? I mean, what if the letter was meant to go to this guy, and may be he's the real one you're supposed to be with."
"Please! That's ridiculous!"
But isn't it funny how peopel can cling on to the tiniest hope.
"I'm dead serious," I told her. "I mean, how many times has your internal mail ever been mid-delivered before? Never, right? Doesn't that prove that this must be fate?"

Tuffsy wasn't prepared to believe this very easily. But isn't it funny how we can make ourselves believe anything if we want to believe it badly enough?
"You really think so?" she asked.
"Sure! It seems obvious to me. You should track this guy down and try and meet him. He seems like your man. And he already knows how sensitive and devoted you can be, after having read that letter."
She didn't say anything then. Not for a while, as she silently internalised this turn of events.

Then, she looked up with a smile. "I wonder what this new guy is like," she said, dreamily.

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