Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I hate to say it louder than a mere whisper, but I think I'm pretty lucky.

I've been a bit disgruntled since I discovered, two weeks ago, after my trip to Chicago, that I coudn't find my camera. I couldn't have possibly lost it again, I thought to myself, but indeed, the sad truth is it appeared I had. When it comes to cameras, I have a historical track record of retention failure. So I've been berating and chastising myself with regard to yet another loss.

So when I woke up yesterday, already in a grump, and discovered the pounding rain (which I had to trudge through to make it to work), I was decidedly unimpressed with my state of being. And, unsurprisingly, the situation showed no improvement when I realised my raincoat couldn't be found. So in a bit of a huff, I grabbed my umbrella and headed out the door.

And got instantly soaked.

I considered stopping on the way to procure myself a pair of wellies, but then remembered I didn't have a spare pair of socks (the ones I was wearing were soaked), so what was the point.

Ten minutes later, and here was Ficali: sans camera. Sans raincoat. Shoes bucketed with water. Umbrella inside out. Stomping. Soaking. Shivering. Fair to say, pretty miserable.

So I got in to work, and suddenly remembered there's a little bag under my desk where I keep a spare pair of sandals. You know, just for the occasion when I might need to change my shoes upon reaching work. Reached under my desk to pull out the bag, and what did I find?
- A pair of dry sandals
- A pair of socks (!!)
- A camera

Yes, that's right. A camera. In my sandals bag. And just at that moment, while I was sitting there thinking how I'd found a treasure, my phone rang. It was Delta.
"Hey, you. You forgot your raincoat in my apartment, just thought I better let you know."

So just like that, I found the coat too.

Really, I can't think of another explanation. I just must be lucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, we've always said you've had a phenomenal amount of luck in your life! Glad it continues to last!