Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A super tuesday

I woke up with a start early this morning, before the alarm even went off. Note - NOT after pressing snooze three times, as would be the norm. In an earth-shattering surprise even to myself, I suddenly found myself springing upright in the wee hours of the morn.

I did a quick health check to make sure all was okay. Bad dream? no. Anything I'd forgotten to do at work yesterday? no. Any trouble I was in? no.

And then suddenly I remembered: It's Super Tuesday!!!

Considering I'm not even allowed to vote in this country, I spend an alarming amount of time absorbed in the melodramatic soap opera of national politics.

So I jumped out of bed with a skip in my step and a song in my head. Headed over to work with a spring in my demeanour, and a freebie smile for fellow passers-by. I asked everyone in my morning meeting whether they had voted yet, and bandied pointed looks at those who hadn't.

And now here I am waiting with bated breath, hounding the telly, alternatively shouting or rejoicing as the various candidates rotate through. Waiting for the evening's results to unfold.

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