Monday, May 12, 2008

An allergy war

I've been rather disconcerted, this year, to fall prey to allergy fever. I've always silently prided myself on not having pollen allergy, and being able to smile breezily through May. This year, however, was a different story.

Suddenly, my body betrayed me. Watery eyes, constant sneezing, the works. I'd wake up in the mornings and couldn't talk to anyone for the first half an hour, because I couldn't get a word in edgewise between my own sneezes. The sight of my own eyes sent mild shudders through me. I was distraught. Mortified even. Ran out and almost bought Duane Reade out of their Claritin and Zyrtec. Much to my horror, neither worked, and my symptoms continued, unabated.

Which brings me to this morning, when I found myself drumming my fingers impatiently in the Dr GingkoBiloba's office. As soon as I could get in to see him, I burst out with a litany of my bodily complaints.
"Calm yourself down," he said soothingly, and wrote me a prescription for the standard medecines he's probably been giving all his patients over the lsat two weeks. Clutching the prescription like gold dust, I made my way home.

Aided by the medical apothecaries though it be, I'm going to fight off these darned allergies if it's the last thing I do!

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