Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beleagured and befuddled

Being as Delta's computer is on its last legs (and when I say last legs, I don't mean that lightly, there's always a 50-50 chance it might not even turn on), so we decided last September to get him a new one. So Delta had turned to Gus, who is his mentor on all things technological, and Gus had suggested he look into the Mac mini.

So promptly the next day I went in to work and announced to MetroHom, who is my general consultant for all things technological:
"So what's your take on the mac mini?"
And MetroHom took me to the Apple store, and he showed me my way around the mac. "Here's how you access your photos. And here's where you access the web. And here's.... "
But I was already lost.
"MetroHom, look at those photos! They are so beautiful! Just look - "
"Ficali, those are someone else's photos and someone else's memories. Focus on the application and how it works."

But just as I had made up my mind to buy it, MetroHom mentioned:
"Apparently there's supposed to be a new version of the mac mini released in October. Why don't you wait for that so you have the latest?"
It made sense to me. But October came. And October went. And no new mac mini was announced.

By December, I'd grown tired of waiting for that new mac mini, and in burst of spontaneity, I trudged through a heavy snowstorm to the Apple store and bought the current version. It was just before the December holidays, and I thought what a lovely holiday surprise it would make for Delta.

Trudged home in the heavy snowfall, dragging the new mac, keyboard and mouse, and when I reached home, before I could even show Delta my new treasure, he said:
"Looks like Apple's going to announce a new version of the mac mini at the Macworld event in January."
My heart sank. Had I just bought a version that was about to become obsolete?

So I trudged back through the snow to the Apple store and returned the mini I had bought.

And we watched the news closely during the Macworld expo, and they announced a whole host of new and exciting apple products. But NO MAC MINI. AGAIN.
Had I returned the old mac mini for no reason?

We debated it for a while, to buy or not to buy? Finally we decided to just go ahead and buy the current mac mini. I mean, who knew when the new version would come out anyway, right?

And just as I was about to do it today, Delta forwarded me another article. Apparently rumours say a new version of the mac mini will be launched in March.

And so we soldier on, trooper. I mean, what's a couple more months of waiting when we've already been waiting since last September, eh?

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