Thursday, March 03, 2011

A whole new look

Last week, we gave our living room a facelift. And seeing as our apartment really only has two rooms, I guess I could say we gave half our apartment a facelift. We bought ourselves some new furniture - an armchair, a sleeper couch and a bookcase, to be precise.

As soon as the couch and armchair were in place, we noticed that skulking cat Queen Jaffa eyeing them from  her corner of the room, immediately sizing them up as good scratching posts. So Delta and I had to run out in panic and buy little plastic guards for the arms of the couch.

And let me tell you, nothing downshifts a facelift as much as plastic covers on the couch arms.

And then I noticed another new feature I hadn't seen before. How had I missed this in the showroom? Both the couch and the armchair are too big for me. Yes,  I kid you not. If I sit upright leaning against the back, my thighs are too short, and my knee joints don't quite reach the edge of the seat, so I have to sit with my legs sticking straight out in front. It's not the furniture's fault. The furniture is just made for  the normal human body. How could they have known I map to the height of the australopithecus afarensis?

So there you have it. A couch with plastic covered arms, and a girl with her legs sticking straight out. Like I said. We gave our room a facelift.

Laugh though you might - visitors, rest easy. Our guests now have a sleeper to rest their weary heads on. No more airmattress that keeps infinitesimally losing air throughout the night. No more having to patch the air mattress with bike tire seals.

Like I said. We gave our room a facelift.

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