Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Breakfast Club and Tiresome Tuesdays

Doobie, Ilajna and I were all a bit cheeky this week and and had taken Monday morning off work so we could take Ilajna's cousin, who was visiting, out for brunch. I'd blocked my calendar off all morning, with the cryptic note: "Meetings".

You know, just incase Big Boss M should chance upon it.

And if anyone else asked, my plan was to explain, with an appropriate element of regret and apology in my tone, that my red-eye from Seattle had been delayed. I figured it would take an exceptionally paranoid and anally retentive person to actually check up on that. And if such a person should find me out, my Plan B was to wing it on my good looks and charm. Infallible contingency planning as you can see.

I suppose I could have, of course, chosen just to be honest about taking the morning off. But hey - where's the fun in that, eh.
(As it turned out, after all my plotting and scheming, no one even noticed my absence. Don't know what I find more irritating really.)

At breakfast, Doobie, Ilajna and I came to a realization - what a good way to cheer up the grey moroseness intrinsic to Monday mornings! Going late to work - more importantly the miniature form of rebellion that it represented - filled us with a sense of excitement. Not to mention the diner food.
"Let's do this every Monday!" I urged, chomping through my pancakes.
I was greeted by two pairs of apprehensive eyes.
"I mean, of course, that we should do it earlier normally. Like so we aren't really late to work."
(Sometimes you just have to cater to the crowds).
Two enthusiastic nods and whoops of excitement.
"What a great way to start the week!!" Doobie agreed.
"I like this, its so much fun!" Ilajna piped in.
"Knowing me, this is actually going to make me excited about Mondays now," I laughed sheepishly.

And so we've formed our Monday Breakfast Club. Meetings to be held early Monday a.m. at the Morning Star diner on 50th & 2nd. Guest applications for attendance welcome.

"Of course, this does leave the other days of the week to get through," Doobie pointed out, ever the sage cynic.
But Ilajna quashed the thought with her ever-present optimism. "Well, we all love Friday, just because it's Friday. And we love Thursday because it's filled with anticipation of Friday."
"And Wednesdays are fine because they're the Hump Day" Doobie added. (I gave her a quizzical look. I'm not sure I approve of the term 'Hump Day'.)

So that just leaves Tuesday.

How in the world are we going to make it through Tuesdays?!


Inihtar said...

So the breakfast club is actually having breakfast now. . . that's a positive development. . . :-P

And how early exactly is "early Monday a.m.? I might put in a guest app, but it depends on this crucial detail!

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Hmmm. Not sure yet. Say 8???