Friday, May 11, 2007

A hard week's work

You can imagine my excitement when I found out I was needed in Seattle last week. That's the advantage of working in a company headquartered in the Starbucks capital, of course. And what a beautiful city it is, too - my occasional taste of London on this side of the pond.

I must have been currying favours with the weather gods this week, because this was the first time I ever experienced Seattle bathed in just warmth and sunshine the entire week. Usually it's just globs of rain plonking overhead (through which I still find the city beautiful) - but this week, it was all golden skies and sparkling blue lakes.*

So I called the Cousin who lives in Seattle ("yep, its that time of the year, I'm going to come visit you again!"), and what did I find out? That my other Cos(2), who normally lives in Atlanta, was going to also be in Seattle the same week! I'd been meaning to go visit her for the past two years, so what a perfect coincidence! It wasn't long before the three of us were sharing hugs, stories and reminisces over wine and dinner.

"Remember the last time we were all together in Atlanta? Has it really been more than two years since then?"
"OMG and your son looks gorgeous! I can't believe how much he's grown!"
"Can you pass the wine please?"
"And you've got a new cat! Gosh he's a cutie."
"When are you guys coming to visit me in NYC?"
"Pass the wine pass the wine!"
"So how's your job going?"
"Are you really thinking of moving home?"
"Oy! More wine!!"

And that's how it was between us, words and thoughts spilling and colliding into each other as we gushed and rushed in our excitement at being together.

And oh yeah, and I got a bit of work done too.

* By the way - a side note, but did you know NYC receives significantly more rainfall (avg 45 inches) per year than Seattle (avg 35 inches). Who woulda thunk, eh.

1 comment:

Inihtar said...

Tag! You're it!!!