Friday, May 18, 2007

Wiser by the year

What with it being Delta's birthday last week, I dappled in a bit of clandestine hustling and bustling to get a little party together. "I don't like birthdays, and I don't want a celebration!" Delta had said adamantly. Stubbornly, I might add. There might have even been a moment of foot stomping.

All the same, between the bunch of us, we managed to pull off a lovely soiree. A surprise visit from an old friend, which brought with it a misty-eyed moment. A baked dessert by Ilajna (note she still hasn't baked the chocolate cake she promisd Doobie and me two years ago). Delicious food and wine in plentiful - what more could one want.

A lovely evening, warm and touching, and full of laughter. Just perfect.