Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Life on wheels

Ever since I bought my bike, cycling has become a dominant part of my summer. 'Blue Lightening', Delta calls it, although I was obliged to painfully point out that the way I putz around on the bike, I'm not entirely convinced it merits the 'lightening' moniker. So over the last couple of weeks we've procured bike maps of the city, explored the bike path which snakes around Manhattan, and covered Central Park comprehensively.

Tomorrow, weather-permitting, we might make our way to Brooklyn to help the Vish by himself a bike of his own too. And then we'll have it, our very own biking club!
Of course, with all this outdoor activity, it's a pretty rotten year to suddenly develop a pollen allergy. I've never actually been plagued by the spring-time allergy season before. So this year, my body naughtily surprised itself by joining the Rudolph-nosed clan of the pollenly stymied. Frustrating, of course, but not a showstopper to this hardy soul (ahem, that's me).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch out Lance Armstrong, here comes McPipe..