Saturday, March 21, 2009

Maybe the key is facebook?

I logged in to my Facebook account this morning, and the first few status updates I saw were:

Friend A took the "How 'New Yorker' Are You?" quiz.

Friend B took the "What Car Fits You Best?" quiz.

Friend C took the "Where Are You Meant to Live?" quiz.

Friend D also took the "Where are You Meant to Live?" quiz, it's obviously going around like a virus.

Friend E took the "What kind of Writer Are You?" quiz even though she doesn't write.

Friend F took the "Which Colour is Your Aura?" quiz, whatever that be.

And the list would go on. All I have to say about this is, obviously, people have no issues with baring their souls and opinions. Or getting diagnosed for who they are. 90% New Yorker. 80% Toyota Corrolla. Meant to live in France. Writer like John Steinbeck (even though she doesn't write). Orange coloured aura (whatever that be).

Not that I have an issue with people completing these surveys. Only, every single year I have to send out employee surveys as part of my job as HR bod. And I just wish people responded with the same enthusiasm. I refuse to accept that knowing what colour your aura is, or what % New Yorker you are, could be more interesting than completing an employee feedback survey. I mean come on, this is my job here, folks. But sadly, apparently 'tis so. Because certainly nobody responds to the surveys I have to chase down.

Unless, of course, maybe the key is to next time distribute them on Facebook.

1 comment:

Chad said...

May I ask what company (if applicable) you use that facilitates your employee surveys?)