Thursday, March 26, 2009

Resolutions were never meant to be followed anyway

I have a little post-it stuck on my office closet, for me to see every day.

- Eat healthier
- Swear less
- Be more sensible

These were my New Years resolutions from 2007, but I still keep them there (never too late to start working on them). Then, I noticed, the other day someone stuck a new post it on my office closet, just to confuse me.

- Eat healthier
- Swear more
- Be more sensible

Ha, joker, I thought. But then I opened the closet door, and there were more post-its:
- Eat pizza and cake
- Drink heavily
- Spend money

Threw me in a fair share of confuddlement, I concede. For, in all fairness, I would willingly take on any of these as my resolutions for the year. But I refuse to be the office clown, dammit. Refuse.

Besides, it shows me that (a) people have too much time on their hands; (b) people have too many post-its; and (c) perhaps people don't quite view me with the level of gravitas I thought I portrayed.

But if people are going to insist on scrutinising and inputing into my resolutions, then at least let's give them something to sink their teeth into. So now I've put a new post-it on the closet door, jostling for space amongst the others:

Learn to type with toes

That'll give the technies here something to think about.

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