Saturday, January 26, 2008

A gratuitous compliment

Like I mentioned in my previous post, during my evening in Seattle with my Cos, I accompanied her to her weekly session where she volunteers as a mentor. My Cos' mentee is a young girl in sixth grade, and I took to her immediately.

"What's for homework today?" my Cos asked her.

"I have to draw a person and write a clue about them and you have to guess who I'm talking about," her mentee said.

"Okay go ahead."

The child had her head bent over her notebook for a few moments, assiduously drawing and describing her subject. "Okay ready!" she said and passed her notebook over to my Cos.

Here's what was on her notebook:

"I don't know her very well but she seems very nice and is very pretty"

My Cos pretended to scratch her head for a while and think about it. Finally she ventured a guess. "Erm, are you talking about Ficali here?"

Her mentee nodded, brimming over with pride at her drawing.

I glanced at the picture. "Hey, why are my arms and legs so skinny!" I said teasingly. But can you imagine how touched I felt?!

Later that evening when I called Delta, I relayed the incident to him. "Just remember, I'm very nice and very pretty," I mused, still thrilled to bits by the little girl's gesture.

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