Sunday, August 24, 2008

Simply inspired!

I can't stop saying it. Bloomberg has got to be one of the most visionary city mayors there ever was. Against the formidable impediment posed by the conservativeness of the local and state government systems, he perpetually succeeds in moving this city on a forward-looking path to growth.

The past three weekends, NYC has been celebrating Summer Streets, where each Saturday, Park Avenue has been shut down to traffic, and open only to walkers, bikers, and roller-bladers. Probably an incredibly sore point to all those who enjoy driving into the city, but, as I overheard one of the cops nearby saying, "If you're a New Yorker, you just get it. You know what this is about." And she couldn't have said it better. It's simply inspiring to have a city that forces you to just imagine a different and better way of being.

Delta, Lahsiv, Gussie and I went biking up and down Park Ave, exhilarating in the silence without constant traffic; absorbing the grandeur of the old buildings bordering the avenue; revelling in the moment which brought this entire diverse community together.
Experiencing the city, yet again, as we never had before.
From the website:

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