Thursday, April 24, 2008

Epoch of health

This is to be epoch of getting healthy.

I came to the realisation last week, as I almost suffered a heart attack from biking around Central Park, that I had been letting my body languish and atrophy over the winter. The alarming horror of this, when it dawns upon you all at once, is quite the shocker. I watched my leg muscles quiver and twitch after we were done with our bike ride, and then realised that all the quivering and twitching was precisely because I didn't have muscles to speak of.

And hence, all of this culminated in a life changing decision. Last week, I joined the gym.

Now mind you, such decisions don't come without a significant amount of consternation.
a) Joining a gym means paying for a gym. And we all hate that.
b) Paying for a gym means feeling guilty if you don't go. And we all hate that even more.
c) And going means actually having to exert oneself. Heaven forbid.

But now that I'd made the decision I was going to be a sport about it. I was going to don a pair of shorts and jiggle my muscles around on some kind of moving apparatus, if my life depended on it. And so, I did. Last week, I went to the gym for the first time in years. Luckily, the NYSC isn't like the Equinox was. The Equinox was rather full of pretty, rich peoples who wanted to hang out with other pretty, rich peoples. The NYSC was a bit more - well - normal. Like the kind of place where one might find someone with a shoelace untied, or with a hair out of place.

And so, I did a bit of a workout. And then again the next day. And then again this week.

And slowly, I've noticed, those muscles aren't quivering as much anymore. That exercising in a gym isn't that bad after all (especially once you finally figure out how to work the TV).

This summer, it's going to be the epoch of health.

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