Thursday, April 03, 2008

Profiteering in the forever stamp industry

I've realised I really like the friendly staff at the Postal Service. Their kindly and affectionate nature just enhances the otherwise rather tedious process of sending mail. You may also remember, of course, the USPS Super who rescued my check almost three years ago, despite all odds. Yep, that is just how great those USPS folks are.

I trundled to the post office this afternoon, to send a little present for a friend in London. Of course, even in that mundane activity I succeeded in introducing a bit of adventure: when I reached the post office, I realised I had forgotten my friend's address back at the office. So back to the office it was, (and then back to the post office). Obviously, I don't have much of a problem keeping myself entertained.

As I was paying for the package, the person at the counter asked me, "so, you want to buy a book of stamps?"
"Nah," I said, having thrown away many unused stamp books in the past. "The price always keeps changing, so there's really no point."
"That's why you should buy forever stamps," she said.
"Once you buy forever stamps, you can continue to use them even if the price goes up. No matter how much the price goes up."
"Seriously?!" I felt like I'd walked in on a gold mine.
"Yeah, of course." she looked surprised, and probably was, given my disproportionate excitement.
"I should buy a lifetime supply of stamps!"
She gave me an encouraging smile. And, predictably, I was encouraged.
"In fact I could even sell them in 10 years for a profit!"
She just laughed out loud.

Speaking of making profits, I opened my first brokerage account last week. You know, because these volatile markets are obviously a good time to dapple in investments. Anyways, so I opened the brokerage account, and watch my investment half itself in the space of a week.

I guess I should just stick to profiteering in the forever stamp industry.

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