Thursday, April 10, 2008

A new Buddy in the family

The other day, I got a text message from Roo. It came in cryptic code format that amounted to nothing, but on my archaic phone, I know what that means. It means Roo had sent me a photo, and my phone just couldn't recognise it as such.

This is what it looked like on my phone: ^%##!!^%E%$#

And I knew Roo wouldn't swear at me. So it must be a picture.
So I used my phone for what it had been intended, and called Roo. "Oy, Roo! I got an old phone. Email it to me please. Wait. While I have you on the phone - what was it anyway?!"
"It's my new cat. I just adopted a cat!!!"

My heart skipped a beat with happiness.

"What's his name?"
"What's he doing right now?"
"Curled up by my feet, purring."
"Has he adjusted?"
"He's still doing it."

I stopped the interrogation, to let the news sink in. A cat! Roo had a cat!

Last week, on my way over to Delta's, I stopped at the Petco, where they have cats for adoption. As I approached the cages, they all started miaowing in unison. Pressing up against the front of their cages and clamouring for my stroking hands. And, of course, my heart went out to all of them.

Of course, it immediately set me off in my own daydreaming world for the day when I too, will have a purring bundle of fur in my lap. Preferably a tubby fella who sleeps all day and regards us with considerable disdain during his waking hours.

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