Saturday, May 02, 2009

Bike tour awaited

I await tomorrow with not a negligible amount of dread. Tomorrow, far earlier in the morning than any sane person should be about on a Sunday, I have to put on my brave face and give my muscles a run for their money. Speaking of which - my muscles, not yet entirely flexed from their winter hibernation, still squawk at me like fledgling chicks every time I exercise. Doesn't bode well of course.

Tomorrow is the New York 5 Boro Bike Tour. 42 miles, touring through all five boroughs of New York. It's something that's become a bit of a tradition in our group. Every year, we huddle together and kick off the summer with this back-breaking endeavour. It's painfully enjoyable, like scratching an itch. And just like the allergies, it's a firmly established part of our spring.

But this year, as a result of miscalculated dates, it turns out that Delta and Guster had booked themselves on a golfing trip on the same weekend, and won't be able to take part. Which leaves Lahsiv, me and a couple colleagues. Bit of a rag tag team, but it'll be fun all the same.

Now if only everyone would change their weather forecast and stop talking about the rain coming in tomorrow.

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