Monday, May 11, 2009

The braces mystery

What with the party coming up in May and all, I decided to dabble in a set of teeth whitening strips. You know, just for kicks and all.

So for the past three days, I've been sticking little plastic strips to my teeth morning and night.

Of course, haven't noticed any change as yet, but then again, I'm not sure what I'd been expecting. In any case, in Crest's defence, at least the strips are as minimalistic and inobtrusive as one could hope. Paper thin strips of plastic that fold right over the teeth - what more could one ask for.

You'd think one wouldn't be able to feel them at all. You'd think.

Except for some reason, each time I put one in my mouth, it's as though my mouth has been stuffed full of marbles. As though I can barely breathe or navigate my tongue, let alone engage in the more complex activities of drinking or speaking.

Unbelievable. Tiny little strips, but they pack a punch. Which makes me think, I can't for the life of my understand how people manage with real braces.

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