Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Writer's blog(ck)

I was just grumbling to Milo Minderbinder today that I'm feeling particularly uninspired to make a blog entry. "Me too," he nodded. We had a moment of silence commiserating with each other.

"Well, we could, of course, ... choose NOT to make an entry," I ventured. But he argued he wanted to make sure to write in his blog every day, just to keep the momentum going. Fair point, I totally understand.

So we debated the vices and virtues of uninspired entries. Was it better to write a less-good entry, because each one doesn't have to be as good or better than its predecessors, or was it better to just stay silent until the next stroke of inspiration?

I don't know, each has its merits. We debated it for a while, and when he left (sigh, yes, we do have to fit in a bit of work too, sometimes), we were no closer to the conclusion.

But ironically, the discussion inspired me to make an entry, this one. So I guess I'm out of my quandary now. :)

Oh no - I just looked down from my typing and noticed I'd dropped a splotch of soya sauce on my white shirt. I'm not normally messy. I seem to save that for days when I'm wearing white.

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