Thursday, October 20, 2005

Show yourself, oh Elusive One

I can't believe my confounded luck. I've somehow managed to lose my digital camera. I know what you're thinking. First check your desk again, Ficali, and it'll be there, right on top of everything. But I have. And it isn't. And before you take it upon yourselves to list all the obvious places, let me clarify that i have already checked the kitchen cabinets; and under my bed; and in all my purses/bags; and in the fridge (because one never knows). But somehow the little rascal has managed to escape my clutches.

So I spent the day lolling in the doldrums of self-pity. I even indulged in a moment or two of self-chastisement, a particularly rare phenomenon for me. I raised the metaphorical fists at the sky and sighed loudly and repeatedly so others would notice and ask me what was wrong. Nothing like too much sympathy if you ask me. But none of my dramatics has helped my camera re-materialise. So if you notice a big grey cloud hanging over my head, you know what it's about.

Now that I've vented and purged my system of its miseries, I also have a little guilty confession to make. If I'm brutally honest and hold my hands up in the air and accept that I haven't developed even the most rudimentary sense of scruples in the last 25 years, I have to admit that somewhere deep inside, I'm quite excited about the prospect of buying myself a new digicam. Unlike Inihtar, I don't need the best. But somewhere buried under the grief of my mourning period, a litte monkey is rubbing its hands in glee at the thought of shopping for a new gadget.

Any suggestions on brand/size/pixel quality/price/vendor?


Inihtar said...

oh no!! that sux! Did you have pics on it that you wanted to save? But Nev has decided not to get me one, so we can go shopping together! Since I don't know the first thing about buying one either, we can be two ignoramuses (or is it ignorami???) asking the wise store people silly questions about cameras.

Ficali McDelta (nee McPipe) said...

Speak for yourself about ignorami. I've got Seagull to give me a proper talking-to about cams, now we're set :P

Anonymous said...

OH no I am so sorry you have lost your digital camera. I would lend you mine but i'm in love with it. If you come across a good deal, let me know, I was thinking of getting one for Rohan before he goes to PAaris next semester.

Inihtar said...

Ok then! I'm DEFINITELY going shopping with you!

Inihtar said...
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